
lingys57 | Joined since 2013-03-20

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2013-04-15 18:18 | Report Abuse

Ranger, just like BN/UMNO bring Lim Guan Eng son into the picture of touching a girl, now you are bringing brother Bingo's father & mother into the picture too just like BN/UMNO. I wonder if you Ranger feel any shame on yourself? Remember Karma, this powerful 5 letter word and I am confident that it will hit you back very hard and then you will regret it forever. Ranger, don't you know that GOD is all powerful???

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:07 | Report Abuse

Stay inside your coconut shell, that's better lah, haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:07 | Report Abuse

Ranger, if you cannot debate, then don't talk nonsense as nobody canot call you stupid understand simple English???

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:05 | Report Abuse

So Ranger you had so much scolding from so many members that you went & hide you face for fear of being kena scolding again. I really pity cause you cause this to yourself. You are just incorrigible. I don't know which school you attend and I am sure your ex-teachers are ashamed of you too.haahaahaa

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 18:03 | Report Abuse

Police just said that people are to maintain law & order in the net too. To accuse a person as a Racist in the net is to bring disharmony among the races. So Ranger, you watch your mouth or you land yourself into trouble for nothing, kiikiikii

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 17:56 | Report Abuse

Ballot buying on the election day? Please watch this video!

News & Blogs

2013-04-15 17:50 | Report Abuse

So here come Pig Rider ranger, the most idiotic &U stupid UMNO cybertrooper I have ever seen and now I think he will land in trouble for scolding brother Bingo's parents...wonder if is what he learn in school or that his parents did teach him properly as they had failed.

Posted by Ranger > Apr 15, 2013 05:31 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by bingo > Feb 17, 2013 08:41 PM | Report Abuse

If this Makutty lands in jail, then all Malaysians including me will be celebrating just like we celebrate our Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Christmas , etc. Isn't it wonderful to have this feeling?

Hey Bingo, u better put your father in jail...why? becoz for marrying your mother and giving birth to a useless human creature like u. U are damed racist!!!

Pig Rider Ranger, you calling brother Bingo a racist without any proof will land you in trouble and I & a number of members will take the initiative to report you. Is there anything in the sot that you copy & paste suggest that brother Bingo is a watch your words.You cannot debate with so many people or members here that you call others a communist or a racist. Let the police investigate then and I am sure they are watching the internet. anger, you are a born loser, shame on your parents that they had to bring up you.

News & Blogs

2013-04-13 17:22 | Report Abuse

I don't want to say much but please do post with a open heart like brother Bingo and not to talk "dirty".

As you had seen that our beloved malaysia is hitting rock bottom and we malaysians are finding it tough to go through our daily living with the extra cost of daily expenses and where it lead to? Where does our rich country Malaysia money gone to? Why is that there is so much corruption in our beloved Malaysia and are the authorities taking an concrete action? We Malaysians are going to land in deep water if we are not careful and this is what brother Bingo is try to pas the message through by posting and quoting materials. May I know what wrong brother Bingo does when all he tried is to bring some senses to our ill informed Malaysians who are either blind or turn their eyes away or hear not a wrong doings of the corrupted??

Open your hearts and mind and see what you cna do for your beloved country malaysia and don't play stupid by getting hard at brother Bingo please. I stop my posting here and thank you all for reading.

Good day.

News & Blogs

2013-04-13 17:12 | Report Abuse

skyboyman, as cobra125 said jangan chakap besar, siapa kau & he even said that our Prime Minister don't say such things but you think you are so powerful than the PM that nobody can touch you? Now skyboyman don't talk cock here but be a humble being like brother Bingo who is fighting for the welfare of all Malaysians. But I note that from the beginning when brother Bingo start posting for the good of all Malaysians , you started to call him a conmon of shares and this is where you are wrong. skyboyman, you can't simply open your big mouth and talk like you are all powerful in Malaysia. Who are you to talk like that you are so powerful & that nobody can touch you. Does our dear Prime Minister ever say such things though he is the most powerful man in Malaysia? Who are you skyboyman to talk like that even nobody can touch you not even the PM??

skyboyman, you don't open your big mouth and talk big cause you are getting yourself into trouble for nothing. You calling brother Bingo a conman of shares is already serious and now you threatened with a bullet to his head is most serious of all and even if brother Bingo's friends here don't report to the police, I am sure the authorities are closing watching what you had just said.

I notice that brother Bingo is posting materials for all to take a good look and see what's good for our beloved malaysia and it wonderful people. He did this with a open heart and you skyboyman don't like what he is posting and he call him a conman fo shares and now this I quote your words...

Posted by skyboyman > Apr 13, 2013 10:49 AM | Report Abuse

brainless bingo thinks he is so powerful.. want to threathen others ?? you think you are that powerful ?? there are more a lot of powerful people & you better shut your mouth !! free bullets for your head if you really want it !!

skyboyman, don't you see what you had just posted?

So to all members here, please don't call brother Bingo a RACIST or anthing else as you will be getting yourself into trouble and yes I notice that someone even call brother Bingo a RACIST. Now this calling brother Bingo as such is very bad for our beloved Malaysia and you cna get yourself into trouble for nothing.

Friends, be wise & be good.

News & Blogs

2013-04-04 12:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by bingo > Apr 4, 2013 11:44 AM | Report Abuse

Isu TANAH REZAB MELAYU,Siapakah sebenarnya jembalang tanah yg menjual dan memajak tanah rezab melayu?UMNO atau PR?

*Buka Mata Lihat Fakta

So,Pig Rider Ranger,look at your self at the picture & video and you see UMNO is even stealing Malay land? So what say you stupid Ranger?? I presume you are as idiotic as ever & forever?? Pig Rider Ranger, you are buta & idiotic, so go and lick & suck more UMNO balls & hope for the shit later on??haa ha

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 15:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by mansor80 > Apr 2, 2013 11:32 AM | Report Abuse

Ranger. org tua macam ko ni dah xboleh buat ape..
esok kalau madey cakap dia buat silap pun ko x caye dah...
kepale hotak ko dah tepu...

81 posts

Posted by mansor80 > Apr 2, 2013 11:35 AM | Report Abuse

nanti dah mati tuhan x tanye ko bangsa melayu ke tidak..

Stupid & idiot Ranger, do you hear what brother mansor80 said? Ranger you are a disgrace to your malay race as my Malay friends all all kind hearted and well behaved and they believed in Allah but you Ranger is the worst idiot I had even come across in Malaysia???

Brother mansor80, you too have my sokong penuh>

News & Blogs

2013-04-02 14:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by MohdFirdaus > Apr 2, 2013 02:50 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by mansor80 > Apr 2, 2013 11:21 AM | Report Abuse

org tua ranger... pergi mampus lah ko

Good of you brother mansor80, I like it very much. This Ranger is just like a good dog licking UMNO balls & assholes???

Bagus, bagus, hantam anjing UMNO Ranger kuat kuat?? Aku suka??


2013-03-30 18:49 | Report Abuse

If GE13 is announced, where will we be? Nothing is immune from the expected big drop during this time , so just be a bit careful please.


2013-03-30 18:47 | Report Abuse

hornetsjet, with the GE13 just around the corner, I presume EPF will be buying to maintain the price to keep felda people happy but then if market drop like hell when parliament is no more when it will be announced by Najib in 2 weeks time after his umrah, what alternative do we have but to wait & buy at a cheaper price? Just wonder how much is EPF willing to buy to support?


2013-03-30 18:41 | Report Abuse

So I feel it's better to play safe?


2013-03-30 18:41 | Report Abuse

Yes, alexisvics, with GE13 just around the corner I feel it's time to chabut perhaps. Yes, everyone is indeed takut including me. Market is bound to drop likely to drop like hell. Maybe sell now and wait for that day to buy back later perhaps??? Najib is going for his umrah this coming week and after that he will dissolve the parliament all within a 2 weeks time frame.


2013-03-30 18:35 | Report Abuse

Wait & maybe can get cheaper????


2013-03-30 18:33 | Report Abuse

General Election is just around the corner & Najib must dissolve the parliament within 14 days from now. So adopt a wait & see attitude???

News & Blogs

2013-03-30 18:30 | Report Abuse

Abang gumbo, who is this racist and a gay?

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:30 | Report Abuse

come in Cybertrooper Ranger, want to join me?? ulala ulaa ulala????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:29 | Report Abuse

wah cobra you love roast pork, yummy isn't it? I too want to aku syok diri juga by going to the restaurant to eat some roast pork afterwards too?? Any BN Cybertrooper want to join me, I give it free especially for you all???

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:17 | Report Abuse

Aku syok goyang kuku chiau lah, much better isn't it??? haa haa haa????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:15 | Report Abuse

aku syok rearing babi, so how about it....want to join in the business? syok syok sendiri????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:13 | Report Abuse

haa haa haa , so many idiotic UMNO Cybertroopers here? All syok syok sendiri???? haa haa haa????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:09 | Report Abuse

Cybertrooper Ranger, go on, carry o flagging all he post here cause it shows that you are the biggest idiot, what's there more to describe you, numb skull?

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:08 | Report Abuse

Cybertrooper Ranger, never scold members here like it's your grandfather's forum and you can do as you like? Get it into you think skull, you big idiot Ranger????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:06 | Report Abuse

Cybertrooper Ranger, you love it now to get the big scolding? Feel it , feel the pleasure with my compliments??? haa haa haa???

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:05 | Report Abuse

Good cobra, go go go????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:03 | Report Abuse

Cybertrooper Ranger, I didn't say that I am the biggest idiot here but you are indeed? Licking UMNO balls is good for you Ranger? Smells good and taste good , isn't it Ranger????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:01 | Report Abuse

go on Cybertrooper Ranger, go and flagged as many post as you want but you cannot stop me lah??

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 17:00 | Report Abuse

and Cyertrooper Ranger, I am mabuk with scolding you Ranger as I love it & what can you do about it. You take pleasure in scolding our good member Bingo and so how does it feel to get some good scolding yourself???? ulala ulala ulala?????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 16:58 | Report Abuse

and Cyertrooper Ranger, talk about stupidity at the highest level??? haa haa haa, cause you belong there in the world of the biggest idiots????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 16:57 | Report Abuse

and Cyertrooper Ranger, it's a sheer waste for your parents to raise you to be this stupid???

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 16:56 | Report Abuse

Cyertrooper Ranger, you want to play with fire , I will pay fire with you no you biggest dungu and the world's biggest idiot????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 16:55 | Report Abuse

Cyertrooper Ranger, you are the biggest dungu, are you not??? I don't understand English as you understand better? I understand the ulala ulala language lah??? haa haa haa haa????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 16:53 | Report Abuse

Cyertrooper Ranger, you simply like to scold members here especially our good member Bingo & so how does it feel to be kena kuat kuat now???? Playing shares now for you Ranger is dangerous as you will lose everything, pig business is more easier and sure make money lah? ulala ulala ulala????

News & Blogs

2013-03-28 16:50 | Report Abuse

Cyertrooper Ranger, now how does what longkong437 said bite you?? Enjoy it now??? You play with fire , you will kena hantam balek lah? Simple as that, you idiot monkey Ranger?????

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 14:35 | Report Abuse

skyboyman, you scold a good member Bingo for nothing, I sure will hantam you kau kau?? Get that into your think head???? I think a number of members here share my thoughts too???????

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 14:33 | Report Abuse

skyboyman,, go what you know best, that doggy & piggy fxxking then you write....go go go??? Why can we support our good member Bingo? skyboyman, you think you pig fxxker own this forum? skyboyman, your father's forum? Better keep to yourself skyboyman what you like and does best, that is pig & dog fxxking????? Go go go ????

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 14:26 | Report Abuse

skyboyman , how that for a start?????

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 14:10 | Report Abuse

what a shame that in our beloved Malaysia we have such people like Ranger?????? kaakaakaakaa??????

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 14:06 | Report Abuse

Ranger, want something stronger??????

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 14:05 | Report Abuse

Ranger , go and enjoy fxxking a dog or better a pig as I think you love it best cause you write here are all stupid writings? kiikiikiikii?????

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 14:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ranger > Mar 25, 2013 02:00 PM | Report Abuse

definitely u have learned a lot from your leader...tq

...there,as I said Ranger you are really a stupid donkey and a really idiotic one??? You cannot think out of the box???

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 13:57 | Report Abuse

and Ranger, if you want to fxxk a dog or elephant, then say so lah & no need to quote others?????? Go ahead, go and have fun with the dogs and elephants, Ranger????

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-03-25 13:50 | Report Abuse

dirty mouth BN/UMNO ball licker Ranger, let me tell you that we are doing for national service than to see you all rob the country bankrupt???? We want nothing in return, you idiotic Ranger understand???

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 13:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by cobra125 > Mar 25, 2013 01:43 PM | Report Abuse X
you play nice and I will be nice too????

...yes, be nice & I will be nice too? play dirty & I will be more dirty???

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 13:39 | Report Abuse

And use that money to try to play shares here???? Tak malu????

News & Blogs

2013-03-25 13:38 | Report Abuse

Ranger, you another BN/UMNO cypertrooper?? Earning $3000 a month for writing shit????